Publications from the Copenhagen Free University


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Posters and Propaganda from the Copenhagen Free University 2001-2007

CFU Posterbook

Posterbook with 32 posters designed by the CFU in English, Danish, Russian, Spanish, Catalan and German. Size: 42 cm x 30,2 cam. Photo copy with collaged elements. 90 ex.
Euro 100. / Dkr. 750,- / £75
incl postage in Europe.


CFU Booklets

Copenhagen Free University #1 PDF

Booklet with the text All power to The Copenhagen Free University in Danish, English and German language.
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Copenhagen Free University #2 PDF
With Emma Hedditch

Booklet with text (English) and illustrations from Emma Hedditch's work within three women-only organisations in London; a women's house, a film distribution for women filmmakers and an art and culture club for women. (36 pages)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Copenhagen Free University #3 PDF
With Anthony Davies

Booklet with the script (English) of Anthony Davies' presentation The Surge to Merge Culture with the Economy held at the Copenhagen Free University the 29th September 2001. The text focus on the increasing complex economic and conceptual links between the cultural world and the business world in London as they has developed since the mid-1990s. (20 pages)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Copenhagen Free University #4 PDF

Booklet with the ABZ of The Copenhagen Free University in English and Danish language. Illustrated. (32 pages)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Copenhagen Free University #5 PDF

Soon, soon, never.

Copenhagen Free University #6

Soon, soon, never.

Det Fri Universitet i København #7 PDF

Texts from the Situationist International in Danish language. The city, language, the situation. (36 pages)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Det Fri Universitet i København #8 PDF

Howard Stater: Uenighed gør stærk - Et omrids af den skandinaviske situationisme. Danish language. Translation of 'Divided we stand - notes on Scandinavian Situationism', Infopool No. 4, London 2001. Illustrated.(52 sider)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Det Fri Universitet i København #9 PDF UK or PDF DK

Mikkel Bolt: Situationist Map of Denmark - Notes on the Situationist Internationale in Danmark. Illustrated. (36 pages)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Copenhagen Free University #10 PDF

A booklet with material from the FreeUtvResearch into the media landscapes of four locations in Europe and the US. (34 pages)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Copenhagen Free University #11 PDF

A booklet about the UtopiaLive project with reflections on and material from the 12 hour live transmission from the CFU (34 pages)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Copenhagen Free University #12 PDF

Simon Sheikh: Number One and Number Two and Point Zero – Jean-Luc Godard between Film, Video and Art. (28 pages)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Copenhagen Free University #13 PDF

Booklet about the Exploration and Unlearning tv-series with an introduction and excepts from the dialogue. (20 pages)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.

Copenhagen Free University #14 PDF

Guerilla Television and Activist Video: A view from the last 35 years. Booklet with an interview with tv-pioneer Tom Weinberg - by Carolyn Faber, documents from the Media Burn Archive and a Guerilla Television Lexicon. (56 pages)
Dkr. 30,- / Euro 4,- / £3 incl postage in Europe.




All the television programmes produced by FreeUtv / CFU can be ordered on a special custom made TVD video disk. Following TVDs are avaiable:

The Exploring and Unlearning Series (three programmes on one TVD)

Free Class Video (four programmes on one TVD)

Medialandscapes (four programmes on one TVD)

Special orders on specific programmes is also avaiable. Look at the list of programmes and drop us an email.

One TVD is dkr 200/ £ 20/ € 30 incl p & p in Europe


How to order (shop closed):

Send us a mail with the order and you will receive our pay-pal account name for payment.